If you're using FPTraffic to schedule content for your Facebook Page, you're likely publishing tons of funny memes, inspirational quotes or eye-catching gifs every day. Our content sources give you several types of posts to experiment with, but which content types are resonating best with your target audience?

The best way to keep your audience coming back to your Facebook Page is to give them more of what they want. How do you know what types of content your audience likes best? You can easily find out with the Facebook Page Insights tool.

Insights for Your Facebook Page Posts

Metrics for your posts are available in Facebook Insights as soon as the post is published. In this section, you can see the number of people your posts have reached and the engagement on the posts. These two metrics, reach and engagement, are essentially the factors that determine how popular your posts are.

To find out how your recent posts have been performing, go to your Facebook Page and complete the following steps:

  • From the top/left menu, click Insights.
  • On the left-hand side menu, click Posts. A table displays all of your published posts, starting with the most recent.

Facebook Post Insights

The Post column tells you the specific post that the data is for. Also take a look at the Type column to see if there are any trends in the content types of your popular posts. Are photos higher up on the table than statuses? How are links or videos measuring up?

How to Find the Most Popular Posts

Facebook used to allow you to sort the table of your published posts shown above so you could see which posts were getting the most Reach. This made it very easy to find your most popular posts on your Facebook Page.

Unfortunately, that is no longer available. However, we have good news!

You can use FPTraffic Pro to find the top posts on any Facebook Page you own.

Once you subscribe to FPTraffic Pro (or use your free 2-week trial), a new tab will show on your Scheduled Posts page where you can see your top performing Facebook Page posts.

Top Facebook Page Posts

Our reach bar (highlighted above) is color coded so you can easily tell which posts are performing best. Green means the post went viral, orange means it has gotten average reach, and red means it has below average reach.

More Tricks with Insights

According to Facebook, you can view insights for all of your Page posts that date back to July 19, 2011. You can also download data from your Page posts from the past 180 days. To export Page post data:

    1. At the top of your Page, click Insights.
    2. In the top right, click Export Data.
    3. Below Data Type, select Post data.
    4. Select a date range and a file format on the right.
    5. Click Export Data.

Export Facebook Page Data

Insights gives you a better understanding of your audience and the types of content they are most likely to engage with. Take advantage of this Facebook feature to increase your reach and engagement. Learn which posts have the most reactions, comments and shares and give your audience even more of what they like.