
To Play Sports In Spanish

Talking about sports in Spanish will be easier if yous accept the vocabulary you need!

Just as information technology happens with other lexical fields, such equally family members and jobs, words referring to sports are the same across Latin America and Spain.

Sometimes these words proceed more or less their original root in English, similar básquetbol, and at other times, there'southward a more Spanish-sounding version, similar baloncesto.

And since many of them originated in Anglophone countries, the names are just the same in both languages. We could add them to the listing of 250 words that are the same in English and Castilian!

Are you fix to acquire sports in Spanish? Let's become!

Children playing football - talking about sports in Spanish
Un grupo de niños jugando al fútbol. Foto deRODNAE Productions enPexels

Talking most sports in Spanish

You tin practice the following words online or impress this list and have it anywhere with you.

I propose y'all try to memorize them by creating a meaningful example on your own!

List of sports in Spanish

alpinismo = mountaineering, alpinism

arquería = archery

artes marciales = martial arts

atletismo = athletics

automovilismo = motorcar racing

básquetbol / básquet / baloncesto (Spain) = basketball game

béisbol = baseball

billar / pool = pool

bolos / bowling = bowling

boxeo = boxing

buceo = diving

canotaje = canoeing

carrera de caballos = equus caballus racing

carrera de lanchas = motorboat racing

caza = hunting

ciclismo = cycling

ciclismo de montaña = mountain biking

críquet = cricket

equitación = riding

esgrima = fencing

esquí = skiing

esquí acuático = waterskiing

basis (false anglicism used in Spanish) = jogging

fútbol americano = American football

fútbol = football game, soccer (USA)

gimnasia = gymnastics

golf game = golf game

handball / hándbol / balonmano (Spain) = handball

hockey = hockey

hockey sobre hielo = water ice hockey

jet ski = jey skiing

judo = judo

karate = karate

kayak = kayaking

lucha libre = wrestling

natación = swimming

navegación = sailing

paracaidismo = parachuting

patinaje / patín (Argentina) = skating

patinaje artístico / patín (Argentine republic) = figure skating

patinaje de velocidad = speed skating

patinaje sobre hielo = ice skating

pesas = weight lifting

pesca = fishing

polo = polo

rafting = rafting

remo = rowing

rugby = rugby

salto de esquí = ski jumping

senderismo = hiking

skateboard = skateboarding

snowboard = snowboarding

surf = surfing

taekwondo = taekwondo

tenis = tennis

tenis de mesa / ping-pong = ping-pong

tiro al blanco = target shooting

vóleibol / vóley = voleyball

waterpolo = water polo

windsurf = windsurfing

And that's all for today!

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Thank y'all very much and until next time,


To Play Sports In Spanish,


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